Soul sessions (holding wholeness)

Mentoring for women. 

One on one

Heart to heart

Online, via zoom.  

These sessions are a space for you to be deeply heard and held in your experience and expression. 

A sacred space of deep presence, connection, self-inquiry, self-healing, compassion, empathic listening and love. 

A safe space for inner and outer workings, for you to explore you. For you to sit in the fullness and abundance of who you are; all your wisdom, all your heart knowing. 

A space of coming home. Of unfurling layers. Of inner freedom. A remembering. A reclamation of co-creation and your most divine inner essence and authentic expression.

I am here to hear you and hold space for you. I am here to be with you, in your wholeness; your shadow, your light, the full spectrum of your human experience.

I am here to be in the portal of the present moment with you, to hold you here. To use the breath, meditation, mindfulness and root journeying. To feel into the deepest heart crevasses of your living journey. To allow for a weaving of unfurling layers, pains and pleasures. To explore all your stories.

I am here to listen to your feelings and support the unpacking of your thoughts. I am here to support you in connecting with your deepest truths, with the awareness and wisdom of who you are. I am here to sit with you in the moment; with what could be listened to, brought awareness to, moved through and loved.


What will our session/s look like?

Meeting together online (via zoom) for 1 hour. 

It looks like beautiful, nurturing individual time, to express all of who you are. I am here to listen and support you, in these sittings and inner knowings. I am here to reflect, hold, mirror, allowing your unfurl, remember and reclaim.

During these sessions — especially if you sit with yourself more regularly — you may find a space of deeper understanding, self-compassion and love. You may find a space of less frustration and more joy, less harsh inner dialogue and more loving inner conversations. Less suppression of feelings and more connection with and expression of. Less disconnect and more connection to your truest self. Less questioning and more trusting of your inner wisdom. Less blame and more radical and transformative self-responsibility. Less chosen-suffering and more awareness of the nature of suffering. Less tension and more loving awareness. Less doing and more being. Less force and more flow. Less comparison and more creativity. Less judging of self and others and more unique self expression and creation. Less time in the mind and more time in the moment. 

Everything you need is inside of you already. I am here to journey with you, sit with you and ignite a remembering  and reclamation of all your wisdom, all your heart knowing: your wholeness. 


When we enter this space of center, all else flows. It begins with us.


We all need to be held and heard and this is the beauty of these sessions. At their root (with the root) you sit with yourself, with the fullness of who you are.  

We can shape shift. We can release systems, conditionings and identities that are no longer supporting our (dream) living journeys.

We can be free to be (who we truly are). 

We can trust the flow of Life and remember it's the day-to-day moments of rise and fall, fall and rise that offer the most opportunity for transformation. The deeper we inquire, the deeper we understand. 


We can live, in the fullest spectrum of the human experience, each season of life, bathing in our wholeness; who we really are: co-creators of our existence. 


All expressions of sittings safely hold you, we move with you, through you.


Some areas we may inquire, sit with, unfurl, navigate… 

Emotional, spiritual and psychological health. The sub-conscious mind. Empathic listening. Deeper fulfilment and meaning. Meditations and soul journeying. Triggers and childhood patterns. Intuitive eating and living. Connecting more deeply with your nature with nature. Truest expression of self. Embodiment. Spiritual and somatic practices. Shadow work. Core beliefs. Values. Inner-child work. Daily soul supportive rituals, devotions and living ceremonially. Creating and working at our conscious relationships. The Marion Method: Inner loving presences, willingness and conversations with Life. The Motherline and moving through these tree of life spaces. Intergenerational trauma. Reality co-creation. Self abandonment. Mindfulness, particularly intrusive thoughts. Accessing the future self and higher mind. Moving from victim consciousness. Detachment. Truly loving yourself and living from this space. Wholeness. Cyclical living. Creative flow. Womb, heart, voice. 

I am a woman who is deeply connected and committed to her own self-inquiry, truest expression and self-healing journey via ongoing feeling, holding, learning, practice, integration and embodiment of the practices and journeying invited and held in sessions. I am forever learning, crying, growing, laughing, changing, shedding, discerning, expressing. I am forever self-healing with you.

Some areas of possible relevant qualifications to weave into our 1-1 sessions:

Mindfulness Meditation Teacher.

Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy.

Marion Method Psychospiritual Mentor.

Aware Parenting Instructor.

Mind-Body Eating Coach (The Institute of Psychology of Eating).

Yoga Teacher (Vinyasa Krama) Pre + postnatal and children’s + teens.

Over the last decade since the completion of university studies (former high-school teacher) I have completed other possible relevant and courses and workshops:

Shakti sister circle training in Bali.

Radiant Woman with Honey from Tej School.

Respond Lovingly to your Calling, The wonder of Willingness and The Inner Loving Presence Process with Marion Rose. 

Conversations with Life with Mary Walker and Marion Rose.

Meet Yourself in Truth with Janne Robinson.

Conversations with grief with Janne Robinson.

Embodied Shadow and the path of individuation with Bernhard and Laura Matsue.

Efficient Honest Communication with Janne Robinson.

Your Truth is Your Medicine year immersion with Janne Robinson.

Snake Medicine with Jane Hardwike Collings. 

Dreaming into Being with Ashmi Pathela.

The Shamanic Dimensions of Empathic Leadership with Isabella Wilde.

Ongoing: Meditation Teacher training with Santosha.


With these trainings I bring my Life. I bring my abundance of living and loving. I bring my soul and self-care practices. I bring my deepest core value of radical self-responsibility through; awareness, learning, sitting, discovering, accepting, healing and enjoying life. 


An empathic space of deep self-understanding and love is here and it's with you.

You can purchase a single session or a pack of 4 to book over 4 weeks. 

If you have any questions, please reach out via message or email. 

If you would like to sit together, please go ahead and select what’s a fit for you and then make contact to arrange your session time (direct message or email). 


I am so looking forward to seeing your booking come through and arranging our time together soon. 

With the deepest trust, felt freedom and love for our journeys to come. 

'You are already what you seek'.

This is a space of holding your wholeness. 

With love, Anne x